Welcome to TBZ Mitte’s homepage!
The Technisches Bildungszentrum Mitte (TBZ Mitte), in English Technical Centre of Education of the City Centre, was founded in the year 2000. With a variety of different educational programs, TBZ Mitte is the most efficient school with a technical orientation in Bremen.
With the expertise of more than 100 teachers and certified master craftsmen, we have a great pedagogical, professional and general education know-how. We combine vocational education and training and general education for your benefit. We also support you in your future educational work with our international offers in the context of Erasmus +.
Higher education entry qualification programs (full time)

In the study areas of our vocational high school of technology (BGT)
- Information Technology
- Mechatronics
- Aerospace Engineering
- Technology and Management (NEW from 2021/2022!)
we have high technical and pedagogical competencies and combine these for you in order to support your successful start into a professional or academic career.
Innovation, imagination, flexibility and fun in learning are no foreign words for us. At the BGT you obtain the general university entrance qualification (Abitur).
After having successfully completed a vocational training, in our one-year higher secondary vocational school (Fachoberschule Technik, FOS) we prepare students for a successful education at a University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule).
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Dual vocational education and training (Vocational School)

We support you in your dual vocational education and training. The apprentices of the TBZ apprenticeships are regularly among the best among the nationwide skilled worker final examinations. Here you can get an overview and receive information about our training occupations in the following occupational areas:
- Electrical engineering
- Metal Technology
- Traffic and Vehicle Technology
- other professions.
In the educational program „Double Qualifying Vocational Training“ (Doppelqualifizierende Berufsausbildung (DQB)) you can achieve the entrance qualification for senior technical colleges (Fachhochschulen) (Fachhochschulzugangsberechtigung/ „Fachabitur“). This program runs parallel to your vocational training.
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Pre-vocational training programs

We support your preparation for a vocational training through our practice-oriented educational offers and help you enter the professional life in our educational programs
- Werkschule Technik (three-year course of vocationally qualifying education, class 9-11)
- Pre-Vocational Technical School (Berufsvorbereitende Berufsfachschule Technik)
- Language Support With Professional Orientation (SoBO or Vorkurs)
- Professional Orientation With Language Support (BOsP)
- Professionally Qualifying Technical Vocational School (BFSq)
- Workshop phase for ten-class general education secondary schools (Oberschulen) and support centers.
Furthermore we support you in continuing education and training.
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